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UofL Chapter


CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0   2024   by the Commonwealth Policy Institute, Ltd.

Legal: The Commonwealth Policy Institute Ltd., recognized in KY Senate Resolution and bipartisan House citation as the Commonwealth Policy Development Coalition, formerly known as the Commonwealth Policy Coaltion, and herein as “CPI” in short, refers an unincorporated association is governed by an Advisory Board, and constitutes members principal, university chapters, and centers formed in partnership with external research institutes. Under 2021 Senate Resolution (21 RS SR 124) adopted by unanimous voice vote, CPI is a recognized public interest non-partisan policy research and development organization charged with conducting evidence-based policymaking from the founding chapter at the University of Louisville and any other member chapters in the state university system. CPC's activities do not include lobbying activity as defined by the KY legislative ethics commission (OLEC). CPI is a nonprofit corporation with limited liability, not an institution of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It is an independent nonprofit research and development institution for public policy comprised of practitioners and Fellows principal, and chapters with associates in training which are unincorporated association sub-components chartered under CPI also housed within the state university system as registered professional organizations. All persons who are a member with a university chapter or fellow on the board of CPI are so as an academic position. Chapters organized under the board develop new policy measures using policymaker feedback from a research perspective which are then offered before relevant committees to consider, as an unincorporated institution academic in nature, chapters do not advocate for or against CPI solutions that are introduced to committee, or any other measure in their capacity as a member. Chapters hold EIN's as unincorporated associations not organized for pecuniary profit. The board is not a registered employer and is solely a parent unincorporated association and regulatory body to chapter unincorporated associations which conduct the work of CPI. Voting board members affect decisions solely on chapter management, think-tank organization, other internal matters, and providing an advisory role to research and development, in a matter representative solely in their academic position under the title afforded by Fellow certification and academic accomplishment, to reflect no other capacities. Chapters file with their home university as a “Professional Organization”, or like group as a recognized student or university member organization. Chapters also meet university faculty sponsor or advisor requirements of the organization maintaining university group registrations.  The advisory board is an unincorporated association not organized for pecuniary profit, consisting of university faculty, and alumni of chapters who are eligible to vote on board matters. The board does not operate for pecuniary profit, but instead to assist current chapters in the creation of new chapters, assistance in policy development as a subject matter and policy expert, and like assistance, advisement, and internal steering capacities. Chapters are responsible for chapter activities, external stakeholder engagement, and for obtaining review and collaboration of the advisory board as necessary. All chapters maintain their data in an advisory board-owned database, chapter officers serve as term-appointed representatives to the advisory board. Chapter members are responsible for maintaining proper activities as a chartered organization, and for reporting results to the board by which certifications are made. Certifications provided by the Commonwealth Policy Institute are of both a practitioner and academic nature, where individuals are ultimately liable for having met and representing to have met qualifications listed in all certifications as reported throgh chapter officers to the board in the certification process. All media material uploaded to this website is claimed by the CPI Advisory Board as license under international creative commons license. Any legislative activities of members with state officials are conducted by residents and/or naturalized citizens of KY, in accordance with OLEC rulings, and/or as constituent meetings and in association to constituent meetings where the chapter member is also a constituent. This website is facilitated via Wix web services.

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